Uncategorized Soccer Cleats For The Dominican Republic Fri Sep 6, 2013 Ernie Cupello of Houle Electric is helping a friend round up used cleats for shipment to the Dominican Republic. Any old cleats – of...
Uncategorized Jensen Law Clinches 2013 President’s Cup Tue Aug 13, 2013 Jensen Law beat Jays 2-1 in the last minute of the game to clinch the President Cup for the 3rd year in a row....
Uncategorized BC Rivers Clinches 45+ President’s Cup Mon Jul 22, 2013 It took the last match of the 45+ President’s Cup round to decide this year’s winner. BC Rivers downed Kamcon 5-2 for the mid-season...
Uncategorized Provide Referee Feedback Tue Jun 4, 2013 KRSL players are encouraged to make construction comments on a referee's performance...
Uncategorized Kamloops Invitational Soccer Tournament 2013 Tue May 28, 2013 23rd Annual Soccer Classic (August Long Weekend) - August 2-5, 2013...